Milwaukee Warming Centers/Rooms Project

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A group of engaged Milwaukeeans are looking for ways to help during time so bitter cold. The goals are list below, please plug in:

The goal of this project is:

(1) raise awareness in the Milwaukee community of existing "warming center " resources,

(2) to incrementally increase the number of church facilities that will operate as warming centers, and

(3) to be a point of community coordinating and logistics for volunteers and resources relative to warming centers.

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Warming Centers Project

Thank you for your interest in collaborating to strengthen the capacity of Milwaukee Warming Centers/Rooms and to possibly grow the number as well. On the 19th, we had a telephone conference to identify interested people, to gather an understanding of the current reality in the city, and to strategize around ways to raise awareness and strengthen this resource. I was on our first call along with Ptosha Davis (Greater New Birth, the Lauren Group), Terri Ellzey (Milwaukee County Community Intervention Specialist), and Sandra Melcher (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Upsilon Mu Omega Chapter). In addition, we got subsequent input from Holly Anderle (First Baptist Church Racine), Janice Brazil Cummings (AME Church), Liz Marquardt (Sojourner), Martha Pincus, Brenda Wesley (NAMI), and Kenyatta Yamel (First Unitarian Society).

We left the telephone conference with the following tasks:

  • Current Reality. Gather data on the current state of warming centers/rooms in Milwaukee including data on (time and locations, daytime vs. overnight, and gender, age and other limitations). Terri Ellzey and Sandra Melcher did the preliminary research and that document is attached.
  • Stories/Testimonies about Starting a Warming Center. Ptosha Davis of Greater New Birth and Pastor Holly Anderle of First Baptist Church Racine have agreed to share their experiences with starting a warming center/room. Ptosha and Holly, let me know how to effectively do this. Ptosha noted, in particular, the training that was necessary and the need to refer people to additional resources.
  • Connecting with 211 as Resource. Terri Ellzey is drawing on this resource. Additionally, Liz Marquardt has connected us with Rafael Acevedo and Emily Kenney from 211. I have copied them in this email so they are aware of the effort. Rafael and Emily, welcome to the dialogue and let us know how to effectively connect. Ptosha Davis and Terri Ellzey also referenced the Continuum of Care Services available in Milwaukee. Here is a link to their services (
  • “Coordinated Consortium”. We talked about to mobilize a “consortium” of churches and members to assist in this effort. The effort is not limited to opening of new capacity but also growing a list of volunteers to strengthen current efforts. We have not yet developed a plan around this. Once we follow up on this, I will send our information through our mental health ministry network. If you are interested in this particular component, please let me know.

I am going to email this, post it to FB, twitter and my webpage/blog ( My preference (to effectively capture the dialogue) is that you email me back with your thoughts or post comments to the blog. Lastly, I am copying below a post that was on Facebook from the Northside Warming Station; they are seeking assistance.

Repost from Community group:

………Northside Warming Station……..

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Temperatures Are Dropping Volunteers Are Needed. Spread The Word & Help Someone In Need…

Food, Drinks And Snacks Will Be Provided, Wifi And Cable Is Also Available.

Lets Give Back Together. Call 414-334-4093 For More Information.

Location:4512 W Burliegh
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Donations Are Accepted For Food And Drinks.. To Give Back To Our Homeless Adults and Children…

Call To Reserve A Seat…

We Repairing Hope In The Hood


About Post Author

Walter Lanier

Walter Lanier is a husband, father, lawyer, pastor, teacher, educator, and social entrepreneur with a deep commitment to being a liberating force in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lanier, an inaugural CBMA fellow, is the Senior Pastor of Progressive Baptist Church of Milwaukee, which has a 30-year track record of innovation and service to community Milwaukee. Pastor Lanier also serves as the Director of Student Resources at Milwaukee Area Technical College where he also founded the college’s Men of Color Initiative and lead the first-ever Counseling and Psychological Services department.
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4 thoughts on “Milwaukee Warming Centers/Rooms Project

  1. I’m glad you are doing this. It’s needed. Even though there are existing warming rooms, they are often too far away, too hard to get to. The Continuum of Care has done at least one training session on setting up warming rooms and has resources/information to share. They might have resources to help you. Thanks for tackling this need.

  2. I am going to meet with people from the social concerns committee of the First Unitarian society tomorrow to see what we can do. I called the northside center which said that their people transitioned to room and board living this week. Ptosha Davis sounds like she would be a good resource.

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