The Beauty and Burden of Independence Day

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The beauty and burden of lofty ideas/ideals is that you will seldom meet them but, if you strive, something great can emerge.

American government is the founding institution in the land. It set the tone and the trajectory. So, like most of our current institutions, there were/are lofty ideas.

But, will those in leadership have the courage and integrity to pursue those ideal (freedom, justice, equality…). Too often the answer is no—no courage to stand up for truth/ideals and against the crowd…or against the cash.

From the Declaration of 1776 to the creation of constitution in 1787ish, greed, compromise, and commerce were more important than the ideals; slavery is enshrined in the founding documents.

Not until 100 years and over 500,000 dead (civil war) later, does America begin to show evidence of pivoting toward the great principles articulate in that Declaration of Independence with Emancipation Proclamation, 13-15 Amendments (1863-1868).

Bloodshed ensues. The demonic evil and avarice/greed of the beneficiaries of the “slave economy“ was defeated but they are deeply entrenched, corrupted in their souls and cannot be persuade about a common humanity. We go backwards.

Not until the 50s and 60s, through agitation, bloodshed, assassination and martyrdom, does America again pivot in her core documents towards the lofty, eloquent, humane ideals expressed in the 1776 Declaration.

The rest is modern history. The struggle is real. Much blood has been shed on the journey…

Peace, blessings, power and perseverance to all who struggle, push and persist towards freedom for all humans in 2019.

To those of you supporting cages for children, discrimination or hate in in any fashion, you should set your flags down and take a seat.

Your are not on the side of freedom or humanity. You are in the the side of those who could not stand the mirror that Christ held up to their deeds in Luke chapter 4; they tried to throw him off a cliff and pursued him throughout the course of the Gospels until they killed the Prince of peace.

But, he arose with all power. Despite what fanatic humans sought to do to him and his message.

Love wins.

Lastly, for Milwaukee and ALL of our leadership (I look at myself first), put your money where your mouth is. Let us stand for truth and lead with integrity toward whatever charge we have been given…or take a seat.

Reflections from one of God’s humble, imperfect, servants,


#freedom #liberty #justice #truth #humanity #buildcommunity

PS for later…the need to articulate that Black Lives (should) Matter should spring forth form this short narrative as well. It was generally the loss of white life that made the difference in America making a pivot/change.

About Post Author

Walter Lanier

Walter Lanier is a husband, father, lawyer, pastor, teacher, educator, and social entrepreneur with a deep commitment to being a liberating force in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lanier, an inaugural CBMA fellow, is the Senior Pastor of Progressive Baptist Church of Milwaukee, which has a 30-year track record of innovation and service to community Milwaukee. Pastor Lanier also serves as the Director of Student Resources at Milwaukee Area Technical College where he also founded the college’s Men of Color Initiative and lead the first-ever Counseling and Psychological Services department.
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