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So much of Milwaukee (humankind) is wounded. And it is not easy to tarry with the wounded. For their/our wounds bear the memory of great suffering. The scars are thick and the pain runs deep.
It is not easy to tarry with the wounded. It requires long suffering, patience, meekness, attentiveness . . . love . . . It is not a charge for everyone. But it is a charge for someone.
It is not easy to tarry with the wounded. But, if it is your charge, it is a great gift to humankind.
I pray today for all . . . who tarry, and pray for the wounded.
About Post Author
Walter Lanier
Walter Lanier is a husband, father, lawyer, pastor, teacher, educator, and social entrepreneur with a deep commitment to being a liberating force in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lanier, an inaugural CBMA fellow, is the Senior Pastor of Progressive Baptist Church of Milwaukee, which has a 30-year track record of innovation and service to community Milwaukee. Pastor Lanier also serves as the Director of Student Resources at Milwaukee Area Technical College where he also founded the college’s Men of Color Initiative and lead the first-ever Counseling and Psychological Services department.