PBC family,
I pray you all are well in the Lord and enjoying this moment despite the wet and windy weather. As I am writing this, the sun just poked out from the clouds. We are thankful to God in the sunshine and the rain! Below are a few things to be aware of that are coming soon:
Christian Education

- Adult Class. As always, our adult Christian education class meets on Saturday evenings at 5 PM on zoom. Please join us this evening on the zoom line.
- Youth Class. Also, our youth class is every second and fourth Sunday at 9 AM. It is a hybrid class. Some youth are coming to the sanctuary and meeting with the teacher at 9 AM at church, and others are still joining on the zoom line. The next Youth Sunday School classes will be Sunday, November 13, and Sunday, November 27.
Voter Engagement
Progressive. We continue to work with members not only to vote but also to get their families and friends to vote. We look forward to hearing a very brief excerpt on the importance of voting from our lieutenant governor, Mandela Barnes. He will join us tomorrow for a portion of our service.
Midtown Meetup. We had an excellent turnout at our Midtown Meetup last week Sunday after church. The collective effort of the faith community continuously helps to increase the vote in Milwaukee in critical ways. I want to thank our voter engagement team for the work in engaging the congregation, getting signs, making phone calls, etc. I know there are many who are doing this work beyond the team. The team includes:
- Sandra Beamon
- Shirley Gladney
- Delores Granberry
- Askari Lanier
- Donece Lewis
- Glenda Robinson
- Karen Robinson
- Sharon Robinson
- Marlene Soyk

Press Conference. On Monday at 10 AM, I will participate in an open press conference at City Hall as we make our final push as a city to turn out the vote. The flyer is attached. Please feel free to join us.

Churchwide Chat
For November, Churchwide Chat will be on the second and fourth Sundays—Sunday, November 13 at 6:30 PM and November 27 at 6:30 PM. It will include COVID updates for the church and the community, updates from our Adapting to Change efforts, and updates on the 34th church anniversary, which will be held on November 20 at our worship service.
November 27 begins the season of Advent and launches us into the beginning of the Christian church calendar. Advent is the season of anticipation leading up to both the birth of Christ and also our expectation of Christ’s return. During each advent service, a family comes together to do an advent reflection. If your family has not done one in the past and would like to do one this season, please contact me at pastorlanier@gmail.com or 414-690-2520.

In love and service,